Postdoc position available

Goldstein Lab
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Department of Biology Chapel Hill, NC
2000 Pew Scholar

A postdoc position is currently available in Bob Goldstein's lab at UNC Chapel Hill.

We use C. elegans to discover fundamental mechanisms in cell and developmental biology. If you are considering applying, please contact Bob as early as possible to begin discussing your ideas for projects.

Postdocs in the lab usually develop and steer their own independent projects, although in an interactive atmosphere, with frequent input from the whole lab.

Projects that further develop current lines of work in the lab are suitable, but so are projects that address completely unrelated questions – so long as you'd be well-equipped here for what you'd like to pursue.

We're especially well equipped for C. elegans work, microscopy of living cells (with two spinning disk confocals in the lab) and for direct manipulations of embryonic cells, in addition to standard genetic and molecular techniques.

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